Comprehending "Cognition, Design, and Usability"

We watched part of a scholarly video in class called "Cognition, Design, and Usability", which features a professor sharing the importance of intelligent design.
I won't lie, I zoned out after about 10 minutes of the video. I try to focus on class material, but the only video lectures that have snagged my attention are TEDTalks.
I tried to watch the whole video on my own afterwards (though we only had to watch what we couldn't fit in class), but once again, I drifted off to some imaginings of my head.
(Perhaps I'll get that down on paper soon enough).
From what I can recall of the film, Usability= Objective + Space.
I don't know why this (and the bit about the pen) stuck around in my memory, but I'm sure it will be helpful in our upcoming project of redesigning. I want to center the project theme around the earlier equation about objective and space. To me, it sounds like both a revelation and common sense, so I am curious to see how it guides my mindset for the next few weeks.
I want to create a similar type of slogan or stylistic equation to define the redesign project. So far, I've thought of 'maximize and modernize', which is a bit like "objective plus space", only with alliteration and 'oomph'.
The video may not have resonated with me, but at least it has me thinking, and I suppose that's all that matters at the end of a lecture.
If you can't learn something from it, you can at least think about whatever idea or emotion it prompted.


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